Try Bitdefender Gravityzone

Top 5 reasons why you should try Bitdefender GravityZone:

#1 Ranked in major independent tests for protection, performance and usability
The industry’s trusted expert for eliminating threats, protecting privacy and data, and enabling cyber resiliency.

#2 Global Protective Network analyzes and correlates information from hundreds of millions of endpoints and other sources to anticipate, prevent and detect attacks anywhere in the world in less than 3 seconds.

#3 Advanced endpoint protection utilizing machine learning and advanced heuristics to detect and block even the most sophisticated ransomware and zero-day attacks.

#4 Easy to use unified management console designed from the bottom up for cloud and virtualization that provides visibility across all platforms.

#5 Access to cyber-security experts, available to assist every step of the way.

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Grey Matter is a Bitdefender reseller partner and cloud service provider devoted to developers and technology-led companies: everything we do is designed to help them succeed and focus on what they do best. If you’re looking for the best platforms, tools and services to meet your technical and commercial requirements.


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